Let's be frank. There is no such thing as gender equality. There never will be. As far as I'm concerned some bitch burns her bra in the 60s and I'm stuck opening my own doors and carrying my bags?! Not to mention the fact that we work more than men, earn less, carry the home and raise the kids (manny's & stay-at-home dad's, all 5 of you, please excuse me). Although these things are a part of life that despite my best efforts I alone cannot change, I WILL NOT ALLOW ANYONE TO TAKE MY FEMININITY!
So, ladies...repeat after me:
- I will not leave the house without some form of makeup (the amount of makeup increases with age, but a little concealer, lip gloss and mascara goes a long way)!
- I will not wear sweats anywhere except the gym (seriously, have you looked at your ass in those things? And the sweats with words, no matter how much they cost, are no better)!
- Uggs are fugly (need I say more).
- I will at the very least put my hair in a ponytail (or do something that tells me I ♥ myself)
- Heels are my friends.
- If the butt sags in my pants, I will throw them away.
- I will love the woman in me and by doing so, my daughter will also love herself.
- I will not confuse being feminine and glamorous with being smart (these things actually go hand in hand, frankly it's hard for me to consider someone of no substance beautiful).
- Glasses can be chic (embrace your thing, just do it with a little flair)
- I will not let any man out-dress me (drag sistah's, I ♥ u, I learn a lot from you, but I'm the real deal)!
- Just because it fits, or is in fashion DOES NOT MEAN IT'S FOR YOU (it's more important to look good than to be "hip", find the style that fits you!!)