Who the hell do I think I am?

"Who do you think you are?!?" If I only had a penny for every time I've heard that! But seriously, who am I to dole out my commentary and opinions? Well, besides being a pretty bossy broad, I have a pretty unique background as a career gypsy, and not many people can say that! I am a Cuban-Colombian American who was raised in a very traditional Hispanic household, was a full fledges administrative assistant by age 12, had my first job outside of the home a few years later and in addition to being a marketer, I have:
- Been a retail buyer: Try not to pay full price for anything!
- Modeled: Looks are very deceiving!
- Worked as a wardrobe stylist: Just because it's in your size does not mean you should put it on!
- Worked in the travel industry as a Product manager for a tour operator, and a hotelier: Travel people, it makes you appreciate your home more.
- A mother who's an estheticienne and thanks to her teachings and genes, so far so good!

So there. Read on. Use what you like. Laugh when you want. Think what you want, but come back because the next post may be what you needed to hear!

With much tough love,

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Dear blogger mamas...how do you do it?!?

Admittedly, I'm new (very new, as in just learning how to get a clue, new), but I've been checking you out, and you have amazing sites, have time to exercise, travel, have babies, raise the babies, update your content continually, have an intricate on-line society (thank you to all who have welcomed me, you are dolls!), are funny, well informed, so, HOW DO YOU DO IT?  

Do you sleep?  When was the last time you turned on your TV?  Have I wandered into the land of Stepford Mommy Bloggers?  I have to tell you that I am equally impressed, as I am jealous, but I'm more impressed.

So this post is really a plea for help, insight and perhaps a virtual hug, because right now I feel like I'm out of my league and out of my mind, but I am learning a lot and meeting some of you (who again, are dolls!) and others (who are not such dolls, but dammit your content is good), and I'm looking forward to learning more.

Ladies, you have created an online world as open and warm as a mothers embrace, as intense as a bridal gown sale, and as competitive as a beauty pageant.  You've put large corporations on check, have put your foot down and given them that motherly look that let's them know they better listen.  I ♥ it!!!

Kudos you kick ass mother $%#%^!!!!  You rock!


Unknown said...

Wow. When you lay it all out like that, it *does* sound like we do a lot, huh? ;)

You have to figure out where to spend your time and a lot of times, schedule it. Figure out when you do the best writing, carve out some social networking time, and make sure you leave room for family time. You'll find you focus some days on some things and the next on different things altogether.

You'll eventually find your routine and rhythm.

Silvia said...

Honestly? After 1 year and three months of blogging I'm still looking for balance LOL. Some days I'm inspired and everything runs smoothly, sometimes I run like a crazy woman and do not much. I work better when my kids are sleeping, or when my oldest is at school.

But overall I've survived thanks to the support and help of my Latina blogueras friends, they are awesome!!

Unknown said...

Uhmmmm..NO! I don't workout...I don't sleep more than 5-6 hours, and I have to constantly remind myself to drink water (pauses for a sip)
None of it is acceptable!! But, I love what I do. It allows me to be a mom. That will always be the priority

Carrie at Tiki Tiki Blog! said...

Well, now you know, we're all struggling...But, the joy is that we're creating something that is ours, and the expectation is that it will pay off.

I have new goals for myself about taking on less freelance to focus on myself and my family...

Here is why: http://bilingualintheboonies.com/2010/02/11/when-too-much-computer-time-makes-you-suck-at-what-matters-most/

Good luck..if you figure out the balance thing, let me know.

Tiki Tiki Blog!
Bilingual in the Boonies...